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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Diagnosis Hodgkin Lymphoma cancer

Day 3 at the hospital.

It has now been one week since I got my diagnosis Hodgkin Lymphoma cancer. Time moves fast, and I might even start my treatment tomorrow already. The tests have been made and today I got a Port-a-Cath operated into my skin. I have used the word CVK before and that was wrong, also the picture is not correct. The operation took around 30 minutes and I was fully awake with just some local anastecia. It was a little bit freaky to listen to the doctor when he was operating on me and you could hear him cutting and pressing the little Port – a - Cath into me. It only hurt a little bit, not too much.

I think it looks like this. The tube is inside my body and goes into the heart.

When I came in this morning the nurses wanted to do another blood test, but because they already have taken so many it took them 25 minutes to find a vein to get some blood out from, they must have tried about 6 times in different places on my arm and hands.

In the afternoon I drank some fluids that needed to be in me for a CT-scan. It was the biggest scanning/ x –ray machines I have ever been into. It went fine.
I had a talk with my doctor today and he said that IF all test come out “good” or the way he expects it to come out, then I will be in Risk group 2A ( At least that what I remember him saying) and the treatment will be 8 times Chemo Therapy every 14 days. Rough, but needed. Maybe no radiation is needed then. We will see.
I got to go home at 16.00. Now I have a bit pain where they put the Port-a-cath in and still a little bit in my back from yesterdays bone marrow test.
Tomorrow I have to go to the dentist and do a filling and then we will see if I will get my first treatment or not. If I do I will have to stay at the hospital for the night so that they will have me under observation.

I am so glad that my family and friends are being so supportive. Even strangers are giving me strength. I spoke to an old, blind lady yesterday in the waiting room at the woman clinic. She told me about her daughters cancer and she said that she will be thinking of me and that she was hoping that I will get well. To have a support network is so very important and I am so, so lucky that I have a lot of friends and family that I can trust and depend on for help and support. Thank you, I love you all!


pic said...

Du glömde djuren companjera!! Har en liten Leo o en damp-Atlas som du vet står bakom dig i vått o torrt! Du e såååå älskad av många och i nöd o lust finns vi här! Puss

Pic 2 said...

Just det, djuren ger mkt kärlek! <3

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