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Monday, September 13, 2010

Election on Sunday

Elections in the Kingdom of Sweden are held every four years, and determine the makeup of the legislative bodies on the three levels of administrative division in the country. At the highest level, these elections determine the allocation of seats in the Riksdag, the national legislative body of Sweden. Elections to the 20 county councils (landsting) and 290 municipal assemblies (kommunfullmäktige) are held concurrently with the legislative elections on the third Sunday of September, and use roughly the same electoral system.
The next Swedish general election will be held on 19 September 2010.

The various political parties:

(v) - Left Party, formerly Communist Party
(s) - Social Democrat Party
(mp) - Green Party
(fp) - Liberal Party
(c) - Centre Party, formerly Peasants League
(m) - Moderate Party, formerly Right-wing Party
(kd) - Christian Democrat Party

For the past four years the "Alliance " have reign in Sweden. It is a collaboration with the four conservative parties. The second collaboration is between the three socialist parties "the red-green". I vote for the Labour Party (S) because I believe in their policies. Their way of thinking is more humane than the other parties. They want to spend more money and resorces on education, teachers and spend more on schools and healthcare.
I have worked in schools and I have been involved and worked with healthcare, so I know that it needs to be inproved. I do not mind paying a bit more tax if the money will go to school/healthcare for the nessesary improvement. It seems to me like the concervatives are just ignoring the problems and they do not want to deal with it in the same way that (S) wants to.
I am so angry with the way the current goverment have dealt with my sick-pay money. It is because of their stupid rules and regulations that I now have no money. How is it possible to live on 2000:- a month? If I did not have Mike to support me financially right now, I would have had to go down to the social services office to ask for benefits. Is that what the goverment wants you to do? If the rules would change and I could get 80% of my wages for the period that I should have been working, then I would have managed to support myself. Or at least I think that there should be some kind of minimum benefit that you should recieve so that you can live while being sick listed from work, but there is not. It really does not help being worried about your finantional situation when you are trying to keep your spirits up in order to feel better.

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