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Friday, December 03, 2010

I am finished with the treatments

I am finished with the treatments!!!!
It feels great, but also a bit scary. Now there is nothing else I can do…has it worked? Am I cancer free or not? I won´t find out until the middle of January when they are going to send me up to Linköping again to do a PET-scan.

I was at Kalmar hospital on Wednesday to do another spirometers test to check the lungs. It was fine. I can now finally cut down on the cortisone tablets. I have gained a lot of weight because of them stupid tablets. I use to weigh 63kg. Now I am 71kg…I bought a scale in Kalmar yesterday. I really should not have done that, it just made me depressed.

This is how the spirometer machine looks like.

I am back to my old self again now. I still have some pain in my throat but I got some medicine called “Andapsin” for it. It is a lot better now. The only troubles I have now is with my legs. I still get that horrific pain in my legs, feet, knees and back sometimes. The doctors said that it could be that the chemotherapy has affected the nerves. It should go away by itself but it can take a long time. It gets worse if I drink alcohol so I have to be careful with that. Great…now when it is Christmas…

My last day in Linköping was on Tuesday. I met up with Christel on Monday evening. We had some food together and talked about good old times in GC. She had brought some more photos with her and we has such a nice time. Over 3 hours just flew by. I am really looking forward to my holiday to GC now.

I had a meeting with my Doctor in Linköping on Monday. He just said that everything has gone to plan, but they cannot see anything on the X-ray pictures about how much of the cancer that has gone. The tumors will keep shrinking for another 4 weeks and then I have to do a PET-scan. When you do a normal scan, like a CT-scan they can only see the size of the tumor, not if it is dead or alive. So even if the PET-scan shows that the tumors are still in my body, they can be dead.
I don’t like this waiting. Meanwhile I have to redo the bone marrow test in about 2 weeks. I am not looking forward to that. I have arranged so that I can get a sedative tablet beforehand. Not that it will take any of the pain away, but it might calm me down a bit and when you are relaxed it might not feel as bad? Let´s find out anyway.

Here are some pictures from my last walk between the hostel and the hospital in Linköping.

One of the entrances to the hospital
The coffee shop area where I have been spending a lot of time waiting

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