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Friday, October 01, 2010

Infections are common...

I am glad that I am feeling a lot better now even though I have got a urinary infection. I went to the hospital yesterday and the nurses told me that it is quite common for patients that receive my treatment to get it, so they were not surprised.
It does not hurt too much; it is just a bit uncomfortable. I will get penicillin to take now for a few days so that it clears up.

I spend most of the day yesterday in Kalmar shopping.
In Media Markt I bought: a photo printer (color) / scanner (a late birthday present from my parents), a new coffee machine and a food blender / mixer.
In IKEA I bought: curtain rods, new cutlery + drawer, a lamp, 2 plates, an ironing board, clothes hangers and some other bits and bobs.
In Carlings I bought: a pair of dark blue skinny jeans. They were not cheap so I got 2 pairs of earrings, several bracelets and lots of hairbands for free. I can recommend that store.
On the way back to Örsjö, I stopped at my mom’s to eat my take away sushi and I had a bath.
My evening was then spent on the sofa together with cups of tea and chocolate, totally exhausted from running around the shops.

Here we can see the model Cairo posing next to the new printer :)

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