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Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Yesterday´s catch

Yesterday´s catch
Ida and I went mushroom picking yesterday. It did not go very well...haha.
In the afternoon I saw Susan at Dolce Vita coffee shop. We had some dinner together before she took the train back to Växjö.
I have now bought the first things (decorations) for the wedding. I found some pretty autumn leaves and a nice ribbon to tie around the candles. I have also bought "Bröllopshandboken", in that book you can read everything you need to know about how to plan a wedding. The plan is that our wedding will take place next year on the 8:th of August.

Today I have yet again been to the hospital. This time it was to the gynecologist and also to take some blood tests.
There is nothing seriously wrong with me, but I now have to eat even more antibiotics :(

I also took another trip to IKEA. I bought a lot of fabric so that I can sew new curtains + two big plants. Now I need a sewing machine.

When I got home Mike and Carl left to go motocross riding. But first they helped me to put the new food processor together. I am sick of eating stuff that comes out from a tin. I will make homemade bolognese sause and pasta for them to eat when they get back.

Hopfully the cats won´t wreck the plants, they were quite expensive.

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