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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Time stands still at the moment

I can almost not believe it, but I have finally reached the end of the chemotherapy. Time has gone by quite fast some days and very slow on other days.
I have now been sick for about 4 months and I have 3 more months to go before I can start back at university again.
In the beginning I did not mind having all this free time on my hands. It was just nice to relax and keep myself entertained as best as I could. Now though, it is not as much fun anymore. There is only so much TV and so many books to read, eventually it gets boring. Most of my friends have jobs or they study so in the daytime I have to try to find other things to do for myself.

A typical day can look a bit like this: (if I have nothing planned)
09:00 am: I get up
Until: 12.00: I sit in front of the computer.
13:00 pm: I go for a walk / lunch.
14:00 pm: I head off in to town to see some of my friends and to go food shopping etc.
17:00 pm: Back to Örsjö to make dinner and to clean the house.
Rest of the evening: Reading, watching TV, relaxing, cat hugging etc.

I guess I have my small little projects, like for ex:
I have started to plan a bit for the wedding, I am going to sew new curtains, I clean out my closet or the basement etc. There is always something that needs doing. But on some days you just don’t feel like doing anything.

Today I have been to town. I went to give blood tests at the clinic and I also went food shopping with Ida. Later tonight I will go through ALL my clothes and clean out the entire wardrobe.

Yesterday I went to Kalmar to see my friend Ida A. She had made a lovely lobster soup that we enjoyed. We were sat talking until late at night before I headed off home around 22.30 pm.

On Tuesday Emmy came to see me. We ate some cakes and drank some tea and took a lovely walk in the nice autumn weather. She is pregnant and also sick listed from work. We have to stick together, hehe.

Tomorrow I have no plans yet. I will check if I perhaps can go and visit my cousin Erika and her family.

Soon it is time for my radiotherapy, and then I will be busy for 3 weeks going up to Linköping and back every day. I just don’t know yet when that treatment will start. At the moment I am waiting to do that special lung X-ray and also the PET-scan.
Until then, I have to keep myself busy and just try to make time go past. I feel that I have a little bit more energy now but I am still quite tired and on some days it feels like I am trapped in an old woman´s body.

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