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Monday, April 09, 2012

Parental leave + Happy Easter!

Week 37 (36+4)

Last week was my last week at work.
I am now off on Easter holiday and later on my holiday pay, in mid May I will start taking my parental leave benefits.

The system in Sweden is one of the best in the world. It gives you 480 days off with your child. If you divide it equal with your partner/husband then you also get an equality bonus back on your tax refund. The benefits you get are based on your salary. You won’t get a lot unless you have quite an “ok” wage. If you don’t have a job you are stuck with a minimum benefit. That is why many women wait to have children until they have a proper job. You can decide for yourself how you want to take these 480 days out in payment. You can make them last longer if you only take out Mon-Fri for example instead of Mon-Sun. But then you are stuck with less money. It is your own choice and I like it. I reckon Mike and I will split it equally if we can. That is the plan anyway.

After my parental leave days are over (I don’t know when that will be yet, It all depends on how our economy goes) I have to start looking for a job.
I only had a temporary post at the school, and if they don’t need me to come back I will have to sign in to the job centre and get benefits from there until I find something new.
I really, really hope that I can come back to that school though. I loved working there!

I have had the flu last week so I was off work on the Monday and Tuesday.
When I came to work on Wednesday morning all the students were hiding and jumped out screaming “surprise” when I got into the classroom. Then we had cakes, I got some presents and we had our little “goodbye moment”.
It was so sweet! I will miss them all incredible.

This is what I got. I guess I have to bake some cakes and come back for a visit now :)

I was working the last day on Thursday. Then we had Easter arts and craft day. My group was painting Easter eggs. It was a nice finish I think.

This week the students are off school and I have holiday too. On Friday I will go into work anyway to do the last things. I will pack my stuff and go through the last details with the new teacher etc.

It feels great to be off work now. I don’t think I could have managed another week. I feel a lot heavier now and the aches and pains have started to kick in. It’s not too bad though. I manage quite well actually. But I reckon it is important to relax a bit before delivery and the baby arrives.
A new chapter in my life now begins and I want to be prepared. I have not had many weeks of holiday in my life. I have always been working or studying. So a few weeks of relaxation (if I get that will say…) won’t do me any harm.

Mike and I have been to two Easter dinners. First we went to my Moms and the day after at Dads. Food!

Last Sunday I went to visit my cousin Erika and family in Lindås. I got to borrow so much baby clothes + stuff :) I definitely have enough now to last us 6 months or more!

Vendela and William

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