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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hodgkins lymfom cancer


This is shit. Really shit.
I went to see my doctor this week on Wednesday. I thought that everything was going to be ok. I thought perhaps that I had to maybe eat some Cortisone medicine because of my illness Sarcoidosis. About two weeks ago I had a biopsy done on one of my lymphglands on my neck. They put me to sleep and operated on me. They removed a small piece and started to analyze it. Now the result came back as HODGKINS LYMPHOMA CANCER. Not Sarcoidosis.
The big glands inside my body near my lungs and on my neck are malignant tumours, the nasty ones.
If I don’t get treatment I will die. The treatment will be cellpoison, Cytotoxin and probably also radiation (I think that is the correct word).
All of next week I will stay in the hospital and do all kinds of test that will decide what treatment I will get.
The treatment will probably go on for the whole summer and autumn. The doctors say it will be a very tough time with a lot of side effects. So im sick-listed from now on.
It is good that they have come so far in finding treatments for cancer these days. It’s a scary thought that if this would have happened to me 30 yrs ago I would not have had a chance. At least nowadays the prognoses are a lot better. But there will be no guarantee that I will be fine. We just have to hope and pray. I am not really a religious person but in this case I hope that if there is a God, he will be on my side and help me survive this hell.

Its my body that is sick, not my mind. I will try to be strong as hell and with the support and help from my friends and family I will get through this. I have already made my mind up, there is no other option.

Anyway, I spent midsummer together with some friends at Saxnäs camping on Öland. It was fantastic and we all had a great time. Today we have been barbequing at the lake near our house and tonight we are just going to relax with some movies.
Life goes on.
I just refuse to dig a hole and hide in it. If I do, I will never get out of it. Positive thinking will get you far in life.
I don´t know if that made any sence to you, but to me it does.

Later I will write more about all of this and I will keep you up to date on what is happening. At the moment I don’t know any more myself.
If you have questions you are more than welcome to write to me here, on facebook or on MSN.


1 comment:

Malin said...

Hej Therese!

Vi har träffats några ggr inne hos mia och pierre då de bodde i stan, ganska länge sedan. Har hittat till din blogg och ville bara säga att vi tänker på dig och hoppas att du har det så bra det bara går!

Ta hand om dig!
Vänliga hälsningar Malin och Richard