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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Feed your cat some grass!

Our cats; Cairo, Gypsey, Tequila and Wilda

Lately I have mostly written about myself and my illness in my blog. I feel like I have "forgotten" about the cats. They are a big part of my life and they are purrrfect :) company for me at home when Mike is working.
I just want to make sure that whoever reads this that has got a cat or more should really feed your cat some grass once in a while. It will stop them from eating your plants at home and is good for their little stomachs. I fed mine this morning.

Some cat owners make the mistake of preventing their cat from eating grass. There are various reasons for this, one being that they think it makes their cat ill or upsets their stomach. This is an incorrect assumption and in fact the eating of grass followed by regurgitation is a perfectly natural behavior for all cats.

The habit of eating grass triggers the natural process of regurgitation of indigestible foods including its own fur balls which would otherwise obstruct the system. This can appear to us humans as if the cat is being violently ill but this is not the case and in fact is very beneficial to the cat.

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