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Saturday, July 10, 2010

It is too warm

This heat is horrible. On the thermometer outside is shows 32 degrees Celsius in the shade. Inside the house it is 30…I feel so sick and it is horrible when it is this warm.

Yesterday I went to the local clinic to remove my stitches around 13.30. After that I felt sick so I went home to my mom to lie down for a few hours. I could not drive home in my black hot car without AC. It is like an oven in it.
I phoned up the hospital to ask if it was ok to take more of them anti sickness tablets and they said it was ok to take one. That one did not really help me but I guess it was better than nothing.
The rest of the day was spent on the sofa in front of a fan with a water bottle in my hand. I was supposed to have gone to a party tonight if I would have felt good.…

Now I am waiting for my mom to come over and we are going to have a BBQ to celebrate my birthday. We were supposed to have gone to a restaurant in Kalmar, but it is just too warm to go anywhere.

I want to make snow angels naked right now. I am going for a ice cold shower soon...

1 comment:

Johanna said...

Hej Therese! Detta är Johanna som du har gått i samma termin som nu, läste nyss om det tråkiga besked du fått och vill bara skicka en massa energi och krya-på-hälsningar till dig. Hoppas att du inte behöver spendera så många nätter på sjukhuset. Du skriver så fint om att se saker ur den positiva vinkeln, du har verkligen rätt tänk! Hoppas att du snart mår bättre så att du kan njuta av sommaren. Kramar från Johanna