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Monday, July 05, 2010

Today I woke up around 9.00. I had the same feeling as yesterday, hung over feeling. I felt exhausted even though I slept all night. I had to phone up the hospital so that the doctor could prescribe some more tablets for me. Mike went to the chemist to get them for me. He is such a darling and he takes really good care of me.
I took my tablets and stayed on the sofa in front of the fan and the TV all day until 18.00.
I managed to phone up the local clinic to arrange my blood test appointment and an appointment to remove my stitches. I also got an appointment for next Monday at the hairdressers at the hospital to try out a wig.
At 18.00 I felt much better and I got some energy. I took a short walk outside and it was great. Now I just came back from another walk. I have been down at the lake. It is such a boost when you feel fine for a while! Mike is soon coming home from work and I am going to clean up here a bit and then cook something for him to eat. Later we are going to watch the movie “Wolfman”, I guess there will be many films to watch and many books to read this summer and autumn. What else is there to do? Any tips for me?
My terrible cough has finally got a lot better than it was before. This day has turned out to been quite ok actually.

Its beautiful at the Örsjö lake

1 comment:

Companjera said...

Om jag kunde ta ditt dåliga mående skulle jag inte tveka en sekund min älskade vän! Love you=)