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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Loosing my hair?

On Monday I went to Växjö to see Susan. It was nice. She showed me how to use a scanner. I managed to get some old photos from when I lived and worked in Gran Canaria scanned. I will put them up on facebook soon :) We had some lunch at Subway. I have not eaten a Subway sandwich in over 4 years, it was great! After we eaten a ice-cream in the sun I went back to Örsjö. I have now finally got the sick list papers from Försäkringskassan, so I have filled them in and sent them off.

On Tuesday I went to the local clinic to do blood tests. They tried to take blood from the “Port-a-cath way” but after three failed attempts they gave up and I was in pain. In the end they had to take the blood from my arm anyway.
After the needle attack I went home to my dad in Flygsfors to wash and clean out my BMW 316 that I am planning to sell now that I have a new car. I also went home to my grandparents for a visit.

Today my friend Malin came to see me in Örsjö. I have not seen her in about two months so it was nice. We had some tea and cakes. Then I went to Kalmar to pick my mom up from work. We went over to Öland, Färjestaden because I had an appointment with the hairdresser to look at wigs. I decided to try out 3 different ones. She ordered them from a catalogue and I can try them on perhaps next week. I am not going to give you any clues on what color or style that I am going to get. It will be a surprise :)
I have now started to feel that my hair is slowly falling off. It is just the beginning of it so we will have to wait and see if it keeps on falling out or if it is just getting a bit thinner.
After the appointment at the hairdressers me and my mom went shopping. I found a really nice top, some pictures to hang on the wall, flower pots etc. Then we ate dinner in a restaurant. We were supposed to have gone to this popular music show called “Diggiloo” in Ekerum at 19.00, but it was pissing down with rain so we decided not to. Instead I drove my mom home and I went home to Ida for a visit. It is her birthday today!

Tomorrow it is time yet again for my next (third) chemotherapy treatment. I am not at all nervous this time because I have had good experiences the first two times and that has calmed me down a lot.

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