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Monday, July 12, 2010

Drinking non alcoholic beer in the sunset

Yesterday evening just before sunset I walked down to the lake and sat down with a (non-alcoholic) beer. The lake was beautiful and it was very peaceful.

After that me and Mike ( I had to force him, hehe ) watched the football game, final between Holland and Spain. I believe them to be worthy winners!
Later, around 23.30 when it was nice and cool outside I went for a 30 minutes walk around the neighborhood.

It is still too warm to do anything in the daytime. I am lying down on the sofa in front of the fan until I am so bored I just have to do something.
I have managed to clean out some boxes in the basement today. It is cooler down there. Since we moved to this house I have started to collect all kinds of rubbish that I now realize needs to be moved. I have filled 2 boxes and 3 bags with clothes and stuff that can be donated to the second hand shop. Recycling and second hand shops are something that I think are great.
Carl is here today. He is painting our window frames and he is cutting the grass. He also made me some lunch as well.
I had to cancel the appointment with the hairdressers today because I cannot drive over to Kalmar (45 minutes) in a hot car without AC, it would just make me ill. The hairdresser told me that it is not a problem. I just have to contact them as soon as I feel that any of my hair is coming out, because when it starts it does not take long until it all might fall off.

Later this evening, Ida and Linn are coming out here for a visit.
Now I am going to finish reading my book “Mias systrar”.

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